contact dermatitis
contact dermatitis images
Contact dermatitis is a skin condition that results in red, itchy, and inflamed skin after direct contact with an allergen or irritant. It comes in two main types: Irritant Contact Dermatitis, which occurs after exposure to a harmful substance, and Allergic Contact Dermatitis, which develops after repeated exposure to an allergen. Common triggers include substances like nickel, fragrances, or certain skincare ingredients. Symptoms typically include red patches, blisters, and intense itching.
The diagnosis and management of contact dermatitis primarily involve identifying the cause, often through patch testing, and avoiding further exposure. Treatment typically focuses on soothing the skin and may include topical medications to reduce inflammation and itching.
At Revelus Dermatology, our team is dedicated to helping you manage contact dermatitis. We focus on identifying triggers and creating a personalized treatment plan to restore your skin’s health and comfort. Let us help you regain relief and confidence in your skin.