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revelus dermatology

4401 West Gate Blvd, Ste 120
Austin, TX, 78745
Phone: (512) 815-2559

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Find essential information and resources at Revelus Dermatology. This page provides valuable resources for patients and providers, details about our practice, and access to our latest newsletters.

for patients

Discover essential information to help you prepare for your visit to Revelus Dermatology. Find details on our care process, scheduling, insurance, and more to ensure a smooth experience.

for physicians

Access key resources for partnering with Revelus Dermatology. Learn how to refer patients, manage medical records, and connect with our team.

about us

Learn more about Revelus Dermatology, our mission, values, and the team dedicated to providing exceptional care. Discover what sets us apart in the field of dermatology.

stay up to date

We believe in the power of transparency and ethics in all we do. Our skin biopsy procedures are conducted by our experienced, board-certified providers who combine professional expertise with a compassionate approach to patient care. We're committed to ensuring that you feel comfortable and informed throughout the entire process.