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revelus dermatology

4401 West Gate Blvd, Ste 120
Austin, TX, 78745
Phone: (512) 815-2559

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Diagnosis required by a licensed medical professional

Seborrheic Dermatitis, commonly known as Dandruff, is a widespread skin condition that causes flaky scales, redness, and itchiness, primarily affecting the scalp, face and upper chest. This condition results from an abnormal reaction to the yeast Malassezia, present on the skin, and is influenced by factors such as stress, weather changes, and certain medical conditions. While it can appear at any age, it's more prevalent in adults and infants, showing a variety of symptoms from mild Dandruff to more severe rashes.  

Management of Dandruff involves a combination of shampoos, alongside topical treatments including corticosteroids and antifungal creams. Treatments aim to reduce inflammation, control yeast overgrowth, and alleviate symptoms. It's important to note that Dandruff tends to follow a pattern of remissions and exacerbations, often requiring ongoing management rather than a one-time cure.  At Revelus Der... More

Management of Dandruff involves a combination of shampoos, alongside topical treatments including corticosteroids and antifungal creams. Treatments aim to reduce inflammation, control yeast overgrowth, and alleviate symptoms. It's important to note that Dandruff tends to follow a pattern of remissions and exacerbations, often requiring ongoing management rather than a one-time cure. 

At Revelus Dermatology, we understand the challenges Dandruff can pose to your daily life and self-esteem. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized treatment plans that address your specific symptoms and skin type, ensuring effective relief and management of this common yet manageable skin condition. 

signs + symptoms of dandruff

Early identification and management of Dandruff is important for alleviating symptoms and improving skin health. At Revelus Dermatology, we prioritize providing comprehensive information on Dandruff to aid in early recognition and effective treatment. 

key characteristics:

  • Appearance: Dandruff features red skin with flaky, oily scales, commonly seen on the scalp. It can also appear on the face, ears, chest, and in other areas with high oil gland activity, sometimes resulting in thick crusts. 
  • Location: This condition tends to affect areas rich in sebaceous glands, including the scalp, eyebrows, nasolabial folds, and chest. It might also present on the eyelids (blepharitis) and in skin folds. 
  • Sensation: Itching is the primary sensation, which can vary from mild to intense. Affected areas might also experience a burning sensation or soreness, particularly when irritated. 
  • Evolution: Dandruff can appear at any stage of life and may come and go over time. Stress, environmental changes, and hormonal fluctuations can influence its severity. Though it’s a chronic condition, with proper care, many individuals see significant improvement in symptoms and overall skin condition. 

your skin, our priority

Remember, timely evaluation and diagnosis can make a difference. If you notice any changes in your skin, reach out to our team at Revelus
Dermatology. Your skin’s health is our priority.

common dandruff questions

what is dandruff?

Dandruff or Seborrheic Dermatitis is a common skin condition that causes red, itchy, flaky skin, mainly on the scalp, resulting in Dandruff. It can also affect the face, chest, and other oily areas of the body. 

what causes dandruff?

The exact cause isn’t known, but it’s believed to involve an abnormal immune response to a yeast called Malassezia that’s present on the skin, along with excess oil production. 

who gets dandruff?

Anyone can get Dandruff, but it’s more common in adults and infants. Factors like stress, hormonal changes, and medical conditions can increase the risk. 

why treat dandruff?

Treatment can relieve the uncomfortable symptoms like itching and flaking, prevent the condition from worsening, and improve the appearance of your skin or scalp. 

how is dandruff treated?

Treatments include medicated shampoos, topical antifungal creams, corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, and non-steroidal medications for sensitive areas. 

can I treat dandruff myself?

Sometimes. Mild cases can often be managed with over-the-counter Dandruff shampoos. However, more severe or persistent cases may require prescription treatments. 

is dandruff dangerous?

No. While not dangerous, Dandruff can be uncomfortable and may lead to secondary infections if the skin becomes too irritated or broken. 

is dandruff genetic?

There may be a genetic component, as it can occur in families, but environmental factors and individual health conditions also play significant roles. 

what is the cost of treating dandruff?

The cost can vary widely depending on the treatments used. Over-the-counter options are generally affordable, but prescription treatments may incur higher costs. 

does dandruff return after treatment?

Sometimes. Dandruff can be a chronic condition with periods of flare-ups and remissions. Ongoing management may be necessary to control symptoms. 

what are the long-term effects of dandruff?

With proper treatment, there are usually no serious long-term effects. However, chronic untreated inflammation can lead to hair loss and skin discoloration. 

does dandruff hurt?

It can cause discomfort, especially itching and burning sensations, but it’s generally not painful. 

does dandruff go away?

While there’s no cure for Dandruff, effective management can control symptoms and reduce flare-ups, allowing many people to live symptom-free for long periods. 

the revelus commitment


Your health is our priority. We treat each condition with precision and adhere to the highest safety standards in every aspect of your care.


We’re dedicated to you. We listen to your concerns and develop personalized treatment plans to address your skin condition with effective, patient-centered care.


With extensive expertise, our team delivers comprehensive treatments designed to restore and maintain your skin’s health, ensuring the best possible outcomes.