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revelus dermatology

4401 West Gate Blvd, Ste 120
Austin, TX, 78745
Phone: (512) 815-2559

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Diagnosis required by a licensed medical professional

Ringworm, or tinea infections, is a common fungal infection that can affect various parts of the body, creating a distinctive ring-like rash. Despite its name, Ringworm is not caused by a worm but by fungi that thrive on the skin's surface. This condition is highly contagious and can be transmitted through direct contact with infected individuals, animals, or contaminated objects. 

Ringworm can manifest in several forms, including the classic ring-shaped plaques with a scaly border on the body and deeper infections in hair follicles. Ringworm can affect anyone but is more prevalent among children, athletes, those in close contact with animals, and individuals with compromised immune systems or who live in warm, humid climates.  Treatment for Ringworm involves antifungal m... More

Ringworm can manifest in several forms, including the classic ring-shaped plaques with a scaly border on the body and deeper infections in hair follicles. Ringworm can affect anyone but is more prevalent among children, athletes, those in close contact with animals, and individuals with compromised immune systems or who live in warm, humid climates. 

Treatment for Ringworm involves antifungal medications applied topically for most infections. For more severe cases, oral antifungal treatments may be necessary. With proper medical care, symptoms of Ringworm typically resolve within 4-6 weeks. At Revelus Dermatology, our dedicated team is here to provide you with the necessary care and guidance to manage Ringworm, ensuring your skin's health and comfort. 

signs + symptoms of ringworm

Ringworm, or tinea corporis, is a fungal infection that creates distinctive skin changes, emphasizing the importance of early detection and management. At Revelus Dermatology, we’re committed to providing helpful insights into Ringworm to support prompt recognition and effective treatment strategies. 

key characteristics:

  • Appearance: Ringworm usually presents as ring-shaped plaques on the skin, often with a clear, unaffected center and a scaly, inflamed outer ring. These rings can vary in size and can display a range of colors.  
  • Location: Ringworm can affect almost any area of the body but is most commonly found on the neck, arms, legs, and trunk. Ringworm can also affect the scalp (tinea capitis) and feet (tinea pedis or athlete’s foot). 
  • Sensation: Ringworm can cause itching or burning, leading to discomfort. The sensation primarily stems from the skin’s irritation and inflammation. 
  • Evolution: The progression of Ringworm follows exposure to the causative fungus. Without proper antifungal treatment, Ringworm can spread and persist. However, with timely and effective intervention, it typically resolves, highlighting the importance of early recognition and management. 

your skin, our priority

Remember, timely evaluation and diagnosis can make a difference. If you notice any changes in your skin, reach out to our team at Revelus
Dermatology. Your skin’s health is our priority.

common ringworm questions

what is ringworm?

Ringworm is a fungal infection on the skin, presenting as one or more rings with a scaly, raised border. It’s not caused by a worm but by dermatophytes, a type of fungus. 

what causes ringworm?

Ringworm is caused by a fungal infection that can be passed from person to person, animals to humans, and from contaminated objects or soil. 

who gets ringworm?

Anyone can get Ringworm, but it’s more common in children and those with weakened immune systems. Athletes, people who sweat heavily, and those in close contact with animals are also at higher risk. 

why treat ringworm?

Treatment prevents the spread of the fungus to other parts of your body and to other people. It also alleviates symptoms like itching and discomfort. 

how is ringworm treated?

Ringworm is treated with antifungal medications, which can be topical (applied to the skin) or oral, depending on the infection’s severity and location. 

can I treat ringworm myself?

Mild cases can often be treated with over-the-counter antifungal creams. However, persistent or widespread infections require medical evaluation and prescription medication. 

is ringworm dangerous?

While generally not dangerous, Ringworm can cause uncomfortable symptoms and may lead to more severe infections if left untreated, especially in individuals with weakened immune systems. 

is ringworm genetic?

No, Ringworm is not genetic. It is an infection caused by a fungus and does not relate to one’s genetic makeup. 

what is the cost of treating ringworm?

The cost varies depending on the treatment. Over-the-counter antifungal creams are relatively inexpensive, but prescription medications may have a higher cost, influenced by health insurance coverage. 

does ringworm return after treatment?

Sometimes. With proper treatment, Ringworm usually does not return. However, re-infection can occur if exposed again to the fungus. 

what are the long-term effects of ringworm?

If treated properly, Ringworm usually leaves no long-term effects. However, severe or untreated infections can lead to scarring or changes in skin color.  

does ringworm hurt?

Ringworm can cause itching or burning sensations but typically does not cause pain. 

does ringworm go away?

Yes, with appropriate treatment, Ringworm usually goes away within 4-6 weeks. 

the revelus commitment


Your health is our priority. We treat each condition with precision and adhere to the highest safety standards in every aspect of your care.


We’re dedicated to you. We listen to your concerns and develop personalized treatment plans to address your skin condition with effective, patient-centered care.


With extensive expertise, our team delivers comprehensive treatments designed to restore and maintain your skin’s health, ensuring the best possible outcomes.